I find absolutely AMAZING that I went from not ever having any craft projects going on to having MULTIPLE projects going on at a time!
HOW did that happen?
WHEN did that happen?
WHY did... haha, just kidding....
Any who, here are some glimpses as to what's going on in my "Uncrafty" world....
Can you guess what they are going to be?
This is ECHO, one of our two kitties. She LOVES my projects! |
I didn't have any paper to make my pattern out of, so I used the next best thing - wrapping paper! When without, improvise! |
I went with greens and browns* as this project, when finished, will reside in my living room where I have a brown couch and lots and lots of green plants. |
Fancy, huh? I didn't think I could do this!!! |
Stay tuned! I'll post the completed projects as I finish them!
* Why can't I do BROWN text? Am I missing something - are the other colors hiding somewhere?
All you blogger people - help?!