
Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Quiet Book - The Barn Page

I have the barn page completed! I really like how it came out! I did have a few hiccups*** along the way but I worked them out. :) Here's the finished page:

Barn doors closed

Barn doors open and the piggy is loose!

So the piggy, cow (who does resemble a dog more so than a  cow ) and the chick are all finger puppets! and the 'gate' area behind the barn doors is a pocket for the puppets. 

I am unsure what I will have on the facing page, as this is the only page I have done that does not have a matching facing page. Maybe i'll put a pond with fish and ducks? Or maybe some hay and a horse?!**

Hmmmm we will have to see what develops.....

*** HICCUPS: Yes, I mentioned the hiccups above... ok, so see the red SILK that adorns the pretty barn doors? The fabric came from the $1.99 scrap bag I got from Lorraine's Fabrics and did you all know
 - you should NOT steam iron silk?!  

Now, I must add here that I only just recently bought an iron. I did not own an iron nor do I use my current iron for anything besides projects. Wrinkly clothes? Into the dryer for 10 minutes. Still wrinkled? Don't wear 'em!

I know, I know... soooo very lazy. BUT i'm not lugging out an ironing board, heating up the iron, worrying about burning myself (which I have done twice already, once pretty bad) or the kids or the pets, ironing the wrinkly item, then cooling off the iron and packing it all back up and putting it away. I just don't see the enjoyment in that! :)

Anywho, back to the hiccup - so, the last setting I used on my non-clothing iron is the steam one to attach Pellon or interfacing to the dress-up page so the little people aren't all naked. I used that to iron the Barn page and part of the silk turned a deep dark red

Yes, your right... it burned. lol

So I thought, well I can take it all apart and start over OR I can burn it all! <insert evil laugh here> so it is now all burnt but I do love the way it came out. So it's not the bright red barn I imagined but a kind of a burnt sienna one! hahahaha.....

Then I had the issue of how to attach the doors, as they are on the thick side, and how to assemble the pocket, but I worked all that out without too much trouble. :)

This adorable template for the barn and finger puppets came from homemade by jill who has an amazing array of tutorials! Her projects are perfect! and beautiful! Check them out here! Thank Jill!!!

 **Hey LIZ!  I know you can draw horses... wanna make a felt horse?!**

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